Try This Trick for Removing Oil Stains from Concrete

Concrete patios and driveways are durable , but can be susceptible to oil stains. If yours become stained, your concrete contractor in Murfreesboro might recommend trying the cola trick. See a demonstration of this when you watch this featured video.

All you’ll need to clean the surface of your driveway is a new bottle of cola, a stiff-bristled scrub brush, and a bucket of water. First, give the cola bottle a few good shakes. Point the top at the oil stain and open the cap. Pour a generous amount of fizzy cola on the stain, and replace the cap. Scrub the concrete vigorously with the brush, and rinse with the water. If the stain is still there, repeat the process until it’s gone.


By Master Account July 18, 2019
If you are seeking a concrete driveway installation that is both attractive and slip resistant, you may want to consider installing a broom finish driveway on your property. This type of driveway is characterized by its ridged texture and rough surface. With services from a company that builds concrete driveways in Murfreesboro, you will be able to create a broom finish driveway that meets your requirements for both safety and style. To highlight the benefits of finishing the surface of your driveway with a broom, here is a look at what you need to know about broom finish driveways.
By Master Account July 18, 2019
If you want to get the most out of your driveway in Murfreesboro, don’t rush the planning process. Research the different kinds of materials available for driveway surfaces so you can choose one that covers all your needs. Your new driveway should boost your home’s curb appeal rather than take away from it, and you should understand the maintenance requirements before you get started. If you get lost along the way, you can always talk to your concrete contractor for expert advice. Here’s a closer look at the factors you should consider when designing a driveway.
By Master Account July 18, 2019
If concrete isn’t allowed to cure properly, it won’t have its maximum strength and durability. The curing process is central to concrete’s capacity to withstand the damaging effects of freezing and thawing. Curing also gives the material greater resistance to scaling and abrasion. If slabs aren’t cured, they will be prone to crazing. This is the development of hairline cracks.
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